Equilibrium State –
We restore your

A body that has lost its balance can often be recognized by poor posture, which in turn can often be the cause for “affluence afflictions” such as round back, back or neck pain and stiffness or disorders of the locomotor system.

Similarly, a mind that has lost its balance can also result in poor “posture”. For example, you notice a decline in performance, less tolerance to stress and less ability to relax and recharge your mind’s batteries. Not at all uncommon in today’s society. You see people every day who are not living up to their physical potential and are plagued by unnecessary signs of premature wear and tear.

Neither do they live up to their mental potential. Stress that causes a mental and physical burden can lead to all kinds of psychosomatic ailments. A path you don’t have to follow.

Equilibrium State is a combination of highly effective fascial manipulation techniques that straighten your body’s posture and dissolve tension patterns in your body, and state of the art coaching techniques that release mental blockage and tension. This way, Equilibrium State brings back balance to both body and mind, therefore enhancing both physical and mental performance.
It is the connection between body and mind that makes this method so unique and fascinating.


© EQUILIBRIUM STATE | Jens Barkschat | Ulmerstraße 28 | 86154 Augsburg | Imprint | Privacy